balt ADAPT. The coastal fisheries dialogue - a look back at 3 years of stakeholder work

Adaptation of coastal fisheries in the Western Baltic Sea to climate change
From 05.12. - 06.12.2023 the KüNO III final symposium took place in Warnemünde with the aim of presenting the most important results and findings from the three-year research phase Coastal Research North Sea-Baltic Sea (KüNO) III. CeOS, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Marie-Catherine Riekhof and Dr. Heike Schwermer, was scientifically responsible for the development of so-called adaptation narratives and the organisation of the stakeholder dialogue.
Balt_ADAPT, one of six KüNO III projects, investigated the effects of climate change on fish stocks in the Western Baltic Sea over the last three years with the aim of developing adaptation strategies for coastal fisheries.
Junior scientist Heike Schwermer presented the work of the stakeholder work on 05.12.2023 and gave a lecture entitled: "Science-stakeholder interaction in practice: The Coastal Fisheries Dialogue".
Over the past three years, the Coastal Fisheries Dialogue has established itself as a forum for knowledge exchange and networking on the Schleswig-Holstein coast with a total of 11 events. The current challenges and opportunities of coastal fishing were represented by a large number of presentations. Various types of knowledge were revealed and valuable information about the Western Baltic Sea system and its dynamics was provided. The knowledge transfer created here is of central importance for mutual understanding and for creating and increasing the acceptance of management decisions.
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