News from the Center for Ocean and Society
Dr. Renato Salvatteci Joins as Guest Editor for Special Issue on South American Climate Variability
Feierliche Einweihung des neuen Marine Science Campus im Wissenschaftspark
First Kiel Marine Science Workshop to strengthen marine research with partners outside the scientifi...
Early-career researchers tackle marine challenges in a Humboldt Tipping workshop
A series of seminars organised by the Center for Ocean and Society (CeOS) of the KMS research focus...
Faktencheck Artenvielfalt zeigt erstmals, wie es um die biologische Vielfalt in Deutschland steht
A new educational coastal trail, officially inaugurated today in Wendtorf on Schleswig-Holstein's Ba...
Early-career scientists are invited to join our free workshop from October 7-12, 2024, both online a...
Nachhaltige Seeigelfischerei: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis
CeOS researchers develop immersive teaching content together with UiT "The Arctic University of Norw...
We are looking for a researcher in the field of resource economics starting 01.11.2024
Kieler Meeresforschende von CAU und GEOMAR trafen sich am Ostufer zum disziplinenübergreifenden Osts...
Schwedische Delegation der Universität Göteborg zu Gast bei Kiel Marine Science an der CAU
New ICES Expert Group, chaired by the Universities of Kiel and Hamburg and the Danish DTU Aqua, begi...
A hands-on experience of the ocean and the world of marine research developed by the Center for Ocea...
CeOS involved in MULTI-MAREX
Prof. Dr. Marie-Catherine Riekhof and Prof. Dr. Frederik Noack present an explanation based on regul...
At the 9th World Fisheries Congress, Rudi Voss presented on “Optimal Management Of Western Baltic Co...
The Special Issue is part of the UN decade project’s activity B1OH.
Forschende der Uni Kiel, des GEOMAR und der Universität Hamburg bilden auf der FS ALKOR Fischer in m...
Brochure of the reSEArch-EU project with recommendations for researchers on the involvement of pract...
We are looking for a XR/VR Scientist/Developer for creating immersive virtual environments which wil...
Adaptation of coastal fisheries in the Western Baltic Sea to climate change
BMEL-Leitbildkommission zur Zukunft der deutschen Ostseefischerei legt Empfehlungen vor
Researchers in Kiel and Lima discuss ways to adapt to changing environmental conditions
Through their daily work on the water, fishers have a different perception of the ecosystem than sci...
The paper “To tip or not to tip: The Window of Tipping Point Analysis for social‐ecological systems”...
CAU-Professorin Marie-Catherine Riekhof nimmt am parlamentarisches Frühstück der DAM-Forschungsmissi...
CeOS ist Mitglied im „Netzwerk Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit“ und hat in den letzten Jahren die Entw...
At the Baltic Sea Festival Science Lab (in Stockholm), young researchers were able to translate thei...
From August 22nd to 24th, 2023, the South African National Biodiversity Institute in Cape Town becam...
From August 30 to September 1, 2023, the midterm conference of the research mission "Protection and...
CeOS will participate in this year's ICES Annual Science Conference 2023 and will travel to Bilbao (...
CeOS shows transdisciplinary research and virtual tour of the research vessel METEOR
Researchers from Germany and Peru jointly develop new adaptation strategies to the impacts of climat...
Ausstellung im Pop-Up Pavillon zu Umwelt und Gesellschaft aus der Perspektive von Wissenschaft und K...
Tree-based solutions to ensure drinking water quality in Portugal
Researchers will develop management options for better balance of sea urchins and fish in marine for...
On 21.02.2023 Anna Kassautzki (MdB, SPD) and Delara Burchardt (MEP, SPD), met with CeOS staff.
Book chapter published in "Transdisciplinary Marine Research"
Struktur der submarinen Westflanke des Vulkans Tajogaite steht im Zentrum der meereswissenschaftlich...
Cross-sectoral cooperation for restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate re...
Konstituierende Sitzung der Kommission des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL...
A total of 65 representatives from different sectors participated.
(28.09.2022) Visit CeOS during the Science Day on 30.09.2022. From the bridge to the lab - join mari...
(14.09.2022) We are looking for a research assistant for the technical support of a seminar series i...
More than 100 international experts discuss ocean health with focus on impact of marine pathogens on...
New Commentary on the governance of blue carbon ecosystems in the journal of "Ecological Economics".
New KMS paper on the deposition of beach wrack in coastal wetlands during storms. For the first time...
(16.06.2022) In the short film CoastScapes, scientists* from the Center for Ocean and Society at Kie...
(30.05.2022) Dr. Frederike Tirre on Outreach & Science Communication as guest on Ocean Summit and Ge...
Dr. Florian Petersen was honored with the Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen Foundation award 2021 for his ou...
(17.05.2022) Early registration, abstract submission & financial support application deadline on May...
(11.05.2022) Heike Schwermer and Vanessa Steinweg will participate in the 31. Marine Environmental S...
(05.05.2022) New study published in the "Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning" looks at the in...
Research project Living Lab Eckernförde takes initial stock after one year of dialogue with stakehol...
(25.03.2022) Erster Parlamentarischer Abend der Deutschen Allianz Meeresforschung in Kiel
(29.03.2022) For a master thesis about the German Baltic Sea we are looking for participants for a s...
(25.03.2022) ITD Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity
(21.02.2022) Project SpaCeParti relies on living labs to resolve conflicts of use
(Jan. 28, 2022) New study published in ICES Journal of Marine Science: robust multispecies ecologica...
(26.01.2022) Lecture on "Some Economic Considerations on Baltic Sea Fisheries" at this year's Univer...
(25.1.2022) CeOS scientist Dr Florian Petersen is investigating earthquake hazards off the Sicilian...
(13.01.2022) Latest project clip now available on Youtube
(7.1.2022) Researchers reconstruct link between ocean warming and shift to smaller fish species usin...
(9.12.2021) Expedition M178 HazELNUT with the German research vessel METEOR successfully completed w...
(2.12.2021) Exchange for networking science and society is strengthened
Historical sources indicate that overfishing of the Baltic herring began over 500 years ago and cont...
(4.11.2021) A thought experiment examines opportunities and prerequisites
(27.9.2021) Games- Bringing science to the public
(10.9.2021) How permit markets can be used to spur technological breakthroughs
(23.8.2021) New study helps understanding oxygen depletion - a sound basis for predicting changes in...
(16.8.2021) Atmospheric CO2 removal through marine alkalinity enhancement - what would be the impact...
(10.8.2021) We are looking for a research assistant (m/f/d) in the field of resource economics in th...
(10.8.2021) Vanessa Steinweg presents results at ICYMARE
(8.7.2021) Project TestArtUp approved
GenClim project investigates genetic changes in specific fish populations due to climate change
(22.6.21) Researchers from Kiel University, with the participation of CeOS, underway on the German r...
(2.6.2021) “The ocean we need for the future we want” Germany launches UN Ocean decade in virtual e...
(19.4.2021) Importance of ecosystem service studied
(14.4.2021) Modeling and understanding social-ecological knowledge diversity
Neues Projekt unter Leitung der Uni Kiel entwickelt praxisnahe Lösungen für die Ostsee-Region bis zu...
(8.3.2021) Latest project clip now available on Youtube
(23.2.2021) CeOS will support a new HELCOM project
(18.2.2021) We are seeking a scientist in the field of integrative (qualitative and/or quantitative)...
(15.2.2021) Humboldt Tipping internal conference held in a virtual format
(2.2.2021) New data helps to better assess the hazards in the region.
The new Center for Ocean and Society at Kiel University focuses on transdisciplinary marine research
Adaptation of coastal fisheries in the Western Baltic Sea to climate change