CeOS-publication receives the Lamberson Award 2023

The paper “To tip or not to tip: The Window of Tipping Point Analysis for social‐ecological systems” led by Prof. Dr. Marie-Catherine Riekhof and published in the journal of Natural Resource Modeling, has won the Lamberson Award 2023.
The Resource Modeling Association selects every year the best paper in the field of natural resource modeling. The award is named after Rollie Lamberson, one of the founding fathers of the association. This year, the 2023 world conference on natural resource modelling was in Amsterdam. The jury especially appreciated the combination of theory and the case studies. In the paper, the author team presents a framework for the understanding processes and tipping points in social-ecological systems. Applying the framework to two case studies (Humboldt Current Upwelling system, Central Baltic Sea fishery), they argue that agency in tipping‐point management, the occurrence of tipping points, and desirable states depend on the window chosen for the analysis.
The foto shows the winners (from left to right): Lotta Clara Kluger, Rudi Voss, Lotta Siebert, Renato Salvatteci and Marie-Catherine Riekhof.
This is the original publication:
Riekhof MC, Kluger LC, Salvatteci R, Siebert L, Voss R (2022). To tip or not to tip: The Window of Tipping Point Analysis for Social-Ecological Systems. Natural Resource Modeling 35: e12357 DOI: 10.1111/nrm.12357