(9.12.2021) Expedition M178 HazELNUT with the German research vessel METEOR successfully completed work off Etna and is now on its way to the third active volcano on its journey from Emden, through the Mediterranean to the Canary Islands.
The team of 16 scientists, led by Felix Gross (Center for Ocean and Society), spent the last 10 days working in an interdisciplinary team to record important parameters for hazard assessment off the Sicilian coast. In cooperation with GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, INGV Catania and the University of Catania, marine geodesy stations were maintained, sediment cores were taken and a new high-resolution map of the continental slope off Etna was produced.
The cruise participants also provide information about the cruise activities and exciting research questions on the following channels:
Instagram: @oceanandsociety
Twitter: @Oceanandsociety
OceanBlogs: https://www.oceanblogs.org/m178/