MUrFor outreach


Sea urchin food web goes to the classroom

Dr. Giovanni Romagnoni, from CeOS, was invited to the Anna Frank Primary School in Binasco, Italy to give a lecture about the sea urchin and its role in the food web in coastal marine ecosystems. Two third-grade classes enjoyed a one-hour lecture each, and learned about the importance of keystone species in ecosystems, the biology and ecology of the sea urchin, and how our impacts through fishing different components of the system (fish, sea urchins and others) can cause cascading impacts to the rest of the system. By seeing and touching material including sea urchin shells and other marine organisms, students were stimulated to think and connect with their personal experience. Students and teachers responded enthusiastically to the experience.

Sharing knowledge about our scientific process and observations, and how we scientists—including those of us involved in the MUrFor project—strive to transfer that knowledge to inform management decisions, is paramount in shaping awareness in new generations about the importance of learning and respecting the environment and its functioning. Knowledge sharing is one of the cornerstones of science, and having the privilege to engage with enthusiastic and bright young minds is invaluable for us scientists.

For more information, visit the MUrFor project website.


Dr. Giovanni Romagnoni
Center for Ocean and Society
Neufeldtstraße 10
24118 Kiel