Exciting exchange between politics & science

On 21.02.2023 Anna Kassautzki (MdB, SPD) and Delara Burchardt (MEP, SPD), met with CeOS staff members Heike Schwermer, Marie-Catherine Riekhof, Christian Wagner-Ahlfs, Kai de Graaf, RĂ¼diger Voss to discuss current issues of a sustainable and future Baltic Sea fishery.
The projects balt_ADAPT and SpaCeParti were presented with explicit reference to the transdisciplinary way of working with small-scale coastal fisheries, nature and environmental protection and tourism.
Furthermore, a look into the future was ventured and the bio-economic modeling of the fish stocks Western cod (Gadus morhua) and herring (Clupea harengus) was presented and discussed.
Important and exciting information was exchanged on both sides, in a positive and constructive atmosphere.