SpaCeParti -2

Spatial solutions for a sustainability transformation of Western Baltic fisheries

Commercially important fish stocks of cod and herring are depleted threatening the existence of Western Baltic fisheries. Moreover, fisheries are challenged by increased spatial competition with the needed renewable energy production in offshore wind farms and the increased demand for marine nature protection to combat the climate and biodiversity crises. Currently, governmental initiatives such as the Leitbildkommission Zukunft Ostseefischerei (LBK) and the just started Zukunftskommission Fischerei provide a window of opportunity for a transformation of the German Western Baltic fisheries into a sustainable future. By combining cutting edge ecological and social sciences with a modern transdisciplinary process, SpaCeParti 2.0 will provide spatial solutions for a sustainability transformation of Western Baltic fisheries. 

Photo S. Karstens; Graphic K. de Graaf


Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the federal states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, as well as the Free Hanseatic Cities of Bremen and Hamburg


12/2024 – 12/2027


Kai de Graaf & Prof. Dr. M-C. Riekhof