Dr. Daniel Unverricht

Daniel Unverricht began his scientific career in 1998 with the study of geography, landscape development, geophysics and geology at the University of Kiel. The marine realm with its sediments and rocks deeply fascinated him that he intensified the study of geology including a position as a student worker at the working group of sedimentology, coastal and shelf geology. At the end, in 2014 he obtained his doctorate in the area of sedimentology and coastal geology at the University of Kiel.
Afterwards he redirected his interests to geographical information systems and data bases, where Daniel became a GIS-Analyst in 2015. Its new knowledge base brought him to a company of hydrographic surveying. Apart from establishing a new GIS-group within the company, Daniel acted as head of the construction control for its company at the presurvey and cable route installation in the Baltic Sea.
It was 2017, the year of return to Kiel, where he began his work in the coastal geology group, again. There, he had several research projects for federal and state authorities in the North and Baltic Sea. In addition, Daniel works as lecturer in sedimentology and coastal geology at the University of Kiel. Besides lectures he performs practical trainings along the coast, but also on German research vessel in the Baltic Sea.
Daniels scientific interests are located worldwide along the coastal areas and continental shelves. He concentrates on hydro, morpho and sediment dynamic changes of river deltas and its offshore areas in the holocene and anthropocene. Aspects in physical sedimentology concerning flora-fauna habitats in the North and Baltic Sea were his scope of duties in the last four years. Daniel penchant for burrows that indicate environmental markers is growing permanently just like his interests on trigger mechanisms and stratigraphical features of submarine landslides.
Hence, Daniel participates on national and international research expeditions on German Research Vessel and also on smaller local boats, like the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. His education as a scientific diver at the University of Kiel gives Daniel the opportunity to gather underwater impressions as close as possible. Together with the interdisciplinary diving teams he learns to view marine environments from different perspectives.
Recent Research focus:
- General understanding of land-sea interactions, especially in the coastal zone.
- General understanding between biological and physical processes in the marine realm.
- How strong is the offshore erosion along cliff coasts in the western Baltic Sea?
- How dynamic is the coastal foreshore off steep banks?
- What is the contribution of bioerosion to the total coastal erosion budget?
- What are the geomorphological characteristics of the western Baltic Sea?
- What are the trigger mechanisms of submarine landslides?
- Are erosion tracks in the subaqueous Mekong Delta only of anthropogenic origin?
- Can we differentiate biogenic and terrigenous suspended matter at vertical in situ measurements?