Dr. Felix Gross

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Geosciences from Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Felix Gross moved to Kiel, where he strengthened his scientific profile with a master’s degree in Marine Geosciences at Kiel University (CAU). Since 2015, he holds a PhD in Marine Geophysics which he completed at Kiel University and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research within a project funded by the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”. Afterwards, he started to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Geosciences at Kiel University. Since 2019, he is the group leader of the working group ‘Marine Geohazards at the Center for Ocean and Society. His major research topic is the analysis and assessment of shoreline-crossing geological structures and processes, which can lead to marine geohazards like landslides, earthquakes and tsunamis. His particular interest are integrative studies, which include a holistic approach from hazard identification to hazard assessment. In 2023, he established the XR Lab "cabu:ff at CeOS" (capture&build:facts&formats" for immersive cross media and mixed reality research. Felix Gross participates in a variety of international projects and seagoing expeditions on large research vessels.
Research questions
Which geological settings and processes initiated catastrophic landslides, earthquakes and tsunamis in Earth’s history?
How does the architecture of continental shelves and volcanic flanks favour the failure of large volumes? How can these failures generate Tsunamis?
How can we use findings from geological archives of marine geohazards for future hazard evaluation?
What are the interfaces between hazard identification and hazard evaluation/assessment? How can we connect these interfaces?
How can submarine geohazards be monitored in-situ and how can this information be used for early-warning systems?
How can findings based on natural science research be translated and transferred into other disciplines and society?
Which tools are available for the visualization and communication of geoscientific findings? How can these tools be implemented and communicated?