Dr. Judith Meyer

Dr. Judith Meyer holds a PhD in Marine Sciences and has been employed as the scientific project manager at the Center for Ocean and Society until December 2020. She coordinated the International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC6). Due to Covid-19, the congress took place as a virtual event for the first time in August 2020.
She completed her diploma studies (2006-2012) in Biological Oceanography, Marine Chemistry and Zoology at Kiel University and the Oceans Institute in Perth, Australia, and specialized in the effects of ocean warming and acidification on marine ecosystems. Following her studies, she received her PhD at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, where she conducted research on the consequences of climate change in the tropical ocean within the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 754. Her research over the next six years focused on the tropical ocean off the coast of Peru and on the tropical North-East Atlantic, where she participated in a total of five international expeditions. After completing her doctorate in May 2016, she continued her scientific work in the SFB 754 until June 2019, increasingly taking on tasks in scientific project management.