Dr. Rüdiger Voss

Rudi Voss studied Fisheries Biology at Kiel University. In 2002 he earned his doctorate in this topic. After 6 years as project leader at the GEOMAR research center in Kiel, in he joined the inter-disciplinary working group on environmental and resource economics at the department of economics of Kiel University in 2008. Rudi is a specialist in ecological-economic modeling. He investigates trade-offs arising from alternative management scenarios and quantifies the consequences of e.g. environmentally-driven recruitment variability in fish. He significantly contributed as Case Study leader to several EU-projects on the Baltic, and has published >60 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. Rudi is engaged in developing integrated assessment and integrated advice for Baltic Sea ecosystem-based fisheries management as well as improving the Baltic multispecies assessment and management. Rudi is also the coordinator of the PhD programme “Quantitative Economics” at Kiel University.
Research questions:
How can fisheries assessment and management move from a single species to multispecies and finally ecosystem approach?
How will climate change affect food web structures and fish stock productivity?
How can trans-disciplinary research be brought to life, i.e. how to best communicated to and work together with different sets of stakeholders?
What are major trade-offs between ecosystem services under different management options?
How will climate change and human pressures impact on biodiversity?