Dr. Viola Schaber

Dr. Viola Schaber started working as a researcher at the chair of "Political Economics of Resource Management with a focus on Marine- and Coastal Resources" at the Institute of Agricultural Economics and at the Center for Ocean and Society in April 2020. After graduating with a diploma in biology at Kiel University, she worked at the "National Institute of Marine Resources" of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU-Aqua) for eight years. The topic of her PhD thesis submitted during that position focused on trophic interactions in the ecosystem of the central Baltic Sea. After returning to Kiel, Viola worked in the BMBF and EU-funded BONUS project BlueWebs, focusing on environmentally-driven changes in the food web of the Baltic Sea and their effects on ecosystem services and at the chair of "Political Economy of Resource Management with a focus on Marine and Coastal Resources".
+49 176 96947256