
+49 431 880 6721


Kai-Frederik Lenz is a marine geophysicist working on the reconstruction of glaciation in eastern Canada along a land to sea transect. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Geosciences at the University of Bremen in 2016, with his Bachelor's thesis at the Alfred Wegener Institute. He then completed his Master's degree in Geophysics at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in 2019. After completing his Master's degree, Kai-Frederik Lenz worked as a researcher in the Marine Geophysics and Hydroacoustic group at the Institute of Geosciences in Kiel until the end of 2020. During this time, he was responsible for the scientific coordination of the German ICDP Priority Programme. From 2021 to 2024, Kai-Frederik Lenz conducted his PhD at the Institute of Geosciences about glacial dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet along a land-to-sea transect in East Canada. Since 2015, he has participated in international expeditions on small and large research vessels. His scientific focus is on acoustic imaging of the subsurface, reconstruction of lake and continental shelf evolution, geophysical pre-site surveys for continental and oceanic drilling projects, and sediment sampling and physical properties measurements of sediment cores.
