Michael Kriegl

Center for Ocean and Society
Neufeldtstraße 10
24118 Kiel
Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung (ZMT) GmbH
Fahrenheitstr. 6
28359 Bremen
Michael Kriegl is part of the Marine Food Security team at the Center for Ocean and Society. He is a marine ecologist with a fascination for the interplay between ocean and society. Michael completed his interdisciplinary master’s degree in Marine Biodiversity & Conservation at the University of Bremen and Sorbonne University in Paris, focusing on artisanal fisheries in Chile. Within the research theme ‘Marine Food Security’ at CeOS, Michael now works towards unravelling the dynamics in Latin American small-scale fisheries management through a network lens. As part of the Humboldt Tipping project, he is currently developing a social-ecological network model of coastal benthic habitats and their users within the Humboldt Upwelling System in Peru. In addition to his research on marine resource management, Michael is passionate about science communication, promoting ocean literacy and sparking curiosity in young minds: Forming part of the sailing-classroom initiative High Seas High School, he worked as a marine biology teacher on a sailing vessel crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Michael’s field research and sea-going expeditions have taken him to various locations along the Pacific coast, the Baltic Sea, Red Sea, Mediterranean as well as the Arctic Ocean.
Center for Ocean and Society
Neufeldtstraße 10
24118 Kiel
Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung (ZMT) GmbH
Fahrenheitstr. 6
28359 Bremen