Laura Glasner, M.Sc.

Laura Glasner worked at CeOS until December 2021. She was in charge of the stakeholder dialogue in the project “Eckernförder Bucht 2030” and facilitated the exchange between project partners and local stakeholders. She completed her master’s degree in Marine Sciences with focus on ecology at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden). She lived and conducted research for her thesis at the Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory, located on the Swedish west coast. The focus of her thesis was the effect of copper sulfate on the feeding behavior of the small crustacean Idotea granulosa. After participating in a PhD course, she included her findings in a meta-analysis to create an overview on how pollutants affect the feeding behavior of small aquatic organisms. Laura obtained her undergraduate degree from WWU Münster, where she studied Biology and Philosophy. Her interests lie mainly in the interface between Marine Sciences and Society.