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© L. Hindenberg @ CeOS


Workshop Announcement!

Early-career scientists are invited to join our free workshop from October 7-12, 2024, both online and in person.

Neuer FONA-Artikel über das MUrFor-Projekt

Nachhaltige Seeigelfischerei: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis

Extreme Environments

CeOS researchers develop immersive teaching content together with UiT "The Arctic University of Norway"

Job opening for a resource economist (Postdoc)

We are looking for a researcher in the field of resource economics starting 01.11.2024

Wissenschaftlicher Austausch über die südwestliche Ostsee

Kieler Meeresforschende von CAU und GEOMAR trafen sich am Ostufer zum disziplinenübergreifenden Ostsee-Workshop

Neue Impulse für die Forschungskooperation im Ostseeraum

Schwedische Delegation der Universität Göteborg zu Gast bei Kiel Marine Science an der CAU

MUrFor outreach

Sea urchin food web goes to the classroom

Climate Change and the Impact on Fish Stocks in the Western Baltic Sea

New ICES Expert Group, chaired by the Universities of Kiel and Hamburg and the Danish DTU Aqua, begins Work

Virtual tour of the German research vessel METEOR

A hands-on experience of the ocean and the world of marine research developed by the Center for Ocean and Society

Marine living labs

Thematic session at conference in Dresden

Third DAM research mission is launched on extreme marine events and natural hazards

CeOS involved in MULTI-MAREX

What are the drivers of temporal overexploitation of natural resources?

Prof. Dr. Marie-Catherine Riekhof and Prof. Dr. Frederik Noack present an explanation based on regulatory costs and technological progress